A well made kitchen knife is a lifetime of pleasure.

The culinary knife is a great universal bridge–the traditions they are a part of are the fabric that binds families and cultures together. Every culture has a knife design that both informs and is informed by their culture and cuisine. These knives are about family food and love, and they are one of our very favorite things to create. We take great joy in making chef knives that will quickly become cherished. We make the knife that will be handed down for generations. They are grandma’s knife made today.

Unlike a mass produced knife, we can take the time and make our knives perform the way we wish them to. With no questions of if a change will add enough value to justify the cost, we just make them the best we know how.


Bringing grace and beauty to the everyday.

As with all of our work, we intend these knives to be timeless. There is something special that happens when a pleasing design is coupled with the best of modern metallurgy and heat treat. Those knives become something greater than the sum of their parts–this is always our goal. A knife that feels good, looks great and just works. This is achieved through a combination of design, ornamentation, heat treat, steel selection, and the blade’s geometry. All of that must be in balance and work together in a holistic fashion to make truly special knives like these.


Rooted in the past but with a foot in the modern area.

Studying the knives of eras long past lets us discover new ways of doing things. It connects us to our heritage. We are always looking for opportunities to examine, document and handle blades from the past. Those experiences have inspired us to make these knives, to explore and understand what we have learned. The past is full of beautiful work that we want to create and make whole.


Timeless symbols made real.

Real swords are special, they are more than just a big knife. Once you have held a real sword, one that has been created with the proper weight balance and dynamics, you will never forget it. This is all accomplished through subtle changes in the taper and thickness of the blade. This must be matched to a rigorous heat treat for the sword to stand up to use. Our swords all have solid modern heat treat, and we balance and tune our swords based on the originals we have studied. We only take on commissions for swords we can “make real”. Be it a movie sword or a reproduction of specific sword from history, our swords are real in every way.


Authentic Modern and Historical Axes and Hafted Implements

We are always excited to work on unusual or unique designs for nearly any type of implement including axes, spears, and tomahawks. Whether it is a historical piece or something more modern, we take the same care in the design and execution of every build.